Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wilting Daffodils

"Aunt Laura, what is that thing?"
Eva points to a dead flower petal; so dead, in fact, that it would disintegrate if one touched it.

I sat there and explained away the facts of life.
"Flowers die, Eva."
To which she smartly replies, "I know Aunt Laura."

Oh yeah... Silly me, I forgot that you know everything already;)

I continued on with my little biology lesson. I explained that flowers grow in the dirt, but they grow because they are connected to roots. Once they are cut off from their roots, they stop getting the nutrients they need. Without the nutrients (yes that means vitamins) they need from the soil and roots, they shrivel up and die.

Then it hit me. That is just like us. Without our roots (the Lord Jesus Himself) and without the soil surrounding us (God's Word), we shrivel up and die. We need Him. We need His Word.
All I could think about was John 15. (I never remembered to check and make sure that's the right chapter... you've been warned!)
I am the Vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit. (or... flower petals...)
Most days consist of the usual daily activities: Eating breakfast, getting dressed, making our bed, playing with toys, some sort of coloring, workbook or flashcard activity, and learning how to get along with and serve one another. But on special days like today.... you will find us doing something quite out of the ordinaire: (see below)

I know we live on a farm, but.... TRACTOR!!!
This event was so special that we moved aside
the entire play kitchen just so we could get a
complete close-up. About every five seconds or
so, Kailey excitedly yells, "TA-TO" .... or .....
something sounding like that. 100% country!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Moments in Time

I'm standing in the kitchen, beholding the most precious sight... I'm watching out the window as Eva is teaching Kailey how to pedal her tricycle. I hear nothing, of course, but I watch as Eva patiently keeps putting Kailey's feet on the pedals... I watch her slowly pulling the tricycle forward and bobbing her head in encouragement. I watch her straighten up and point to different places around them. Probably explaining that she needs to stay on the driveway, stay away from the highway, and get into the grass if a truck comes down the lane. I think Kailey is in no danger of getting near the highway... the only progress she makes is to inch backwards! Yet Eva remains at her side, encouraging her to keep trying. What 4-year-old wouldn't rather be playing instead of teaching a 1-year-old to pedal a tricycle! I am sure Eva felt the same way, yet her love for her sister kept her near her. In that moment, my eyes started to water... how sweet and adorable are they when they are getting along! How precious are the moments when they pull alongside one another and learn about life from the other. The bond of siblings can only be strengthened when they spend time together, ever thought of that? I am so glad Eva and Kailey spend most of their time together. I am glad they are learning to be each other's best friends. I hope they cultivate their bond as sisters so that nothing will tear them apart when they grow up and go their own ways.

I couldn't help but be aware of the fact that I had no sister when I was growing up...
But what about my present circumstances? I am surrounded by wonderful and amazing sisters in Christ! Do I give up what I'd rather be doing to pull alongside and encourage them? Am I patiently teaching them? Do I praise them for trying, even though they only end up going backwards? These are the moments in time when I am reminded, "Be ye holy, as I am holy".