Saturday, August 25, 2012

The promised pictures :)

Clara (left and Ella (right) at 4 months

Just finished eating and on our way out for a walk so they're happy :) 


Clara, Ella having bumbo time

Chatting with each other :D

Ella looks so adorable here!! This was while she was looking at sissy:)

Gotta love those ceiling fans ;)

Clara looking adorable while sound asleep

No, I didn't forget to buckle her in;) I just didn't want to cover up the cute out fit!


Blanket time!

Okay, this is an unfortunate fuzzy picture but I just wanted to show ya'll how it goes with toting
2 around. I had to run to the hall real quick and pick up something for sunday school so I didn't want to go
to all the fuss of getting them in the stroller. So. I put Ella in the sling-thing which I was NOT at all sure about!!
I don't actually know how to wear those! It worked though, and she was smiling so all was well. I had Clara dangling above Ella as shown, which left the other hand free to carry the books. I felt pretty cool;)

This is also another fancy technique of mine- both in one arm. This comes in VERY handy when I am taking them outside and need to open the door. I guess gangly arms come in handy:p
They are both looking to the side, you will notice. And Ella is quite delighted with something. Well, I cropped it out but their bottles were sitting on the counter so that's what their eyes were glued to ;)

Crib time!

Looking at the stuffed animals-- love Clara's expression!!

Heading out for a walk. Now I just need to get you a picture of when I hold both carseats in one arm while I open doors! Grandma Betty was astonished :)

Thus ends week one's pictures!

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