Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Juice Cleanse!

Slurp. Or, my new favorite quote:
*slurps celery juice happily* :)
This is my 10-day juice cleanse. Nothing but juice and water.
Now. Its recommended that you get medical approval before
doing a juice fast longer than 3 days. But the guys in the
documentary were obese, diabetic, and everything else.
-I- am healthy compared to them. -I- don't need medical
approval. (well, not having insurance might be the winning
factor ;) ) The first 3 days were torture, for everybody:D
My stomach growled, I growled and moped and mostly
stayed away from everybody in the confines of my
stuffy attic room. Alone with Christy and Doc MacNeal,
Andy, Barney and Aunt Bee. It would have been bliss
except for the gnawing and twisting of my internals.
So for three days I stared angrily at my antique VHS screen
and drank vegetables. It was awful. 10 days sounded like 10
years. The end was so far away, like trying to see the top of
Mt. Everest. Oh well, it was time for a little self-discipline in
the area of my appetite! Moving on....
This is me, day 4. I am smiling.
I am smiling and posing for my camera because day 4 was
the turn-around! My cravings for food subsided, I was starting
to feel full after drinking my glass of juice, and I had more
energy! Now, I could definitely do this for 10 days! Not to
mention that the halfway point was dangling in front of my
nose like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey! 

Here I am, day SEVEN!!!
Still living off liquid vegetables but starting to look a bit anemic.
Started feeling dizzy and a little less energetic that day, but not
too affecting.
Day 8: All day I was dizzy, nauseous, weak, and had little energy.
I truly felt horrible and wondered if 10 days was too much for a
non-obese person... Already I was 8 pounds down. But before
anyone panics, that's not 8 pounds of fat. :) When you have no
"food" in your body, that makes a difference... I would say I lost
"water weight" but not sure that could be, seeing how all I did was
Anyways, by mid-afternoon, I felt like death. I googled articles
on juicing to see if I should stop before I died;) And I guess
that having low blood sugar, low blood pressure, and a chronic
illness, I should have had medical permission.
I had a wonderful hot meal that night- a farmer meal of meat
and potatoes. It was delicious and I ate the whole thing.
Just to prove the point that my stomach did not shrink itself to the point
of disintegration;) It felt wonderful to be full for longer than 20 minutes!

My goals in doing this juice cleanse?
1) all-around health. Most of us don't eat near enough vegetables.
2) hoping for acne to clear up
3) after all my parasites that moved in with me for a year, I wanted to cleanse... :)

My acne got worse, unfortunately.
I know that my body has benefited from the fresh fruits and vegetables, but since they're unseen
I can't tell you much;)

I probably won't do the 10 day thing again since I don't have the weight to sustain... but plan on doing
more juicing- along with food. :)

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